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Giving you the inspiration you need, at precisely the moment you need it.


Love Yourz is a motivational podcast series that consists of interviews between Rashaad Mayes and different entrepreneurs brandmakers who have achieved levels of success within their fields. These entrepreneurs are narrating their journey towards success while highlighting the pitfalls and struggles they've encountered to get there.

Love Yourz wants to encourage that millennial who has dreams of taking that leap of faith, or the entrepreneur who has already started their journey and may need the extra motivation to keep pushing. We want you to find not only inspiration in your own journey, but others as well.

The message is simple: the first step to reaching the next level is to love and appreciate your current situation and it's struggles. Embracing these situations for what they are, are all apart of the journey. Understand that these displacements are not accidents but lessons: lessons that should be considered “Tools to Success" and taken with you as you grow and turn your dreams into reality.

 Remember to Love Yourz...

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Features of the Week

Each week we will be releasing an episode featuring a new Love Yourz guest or informative topic discussion that will be sure to provide the inspiration you need to push past your circumstances and get one step closer to your goals. 



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Meet Your Host


Rashaad Mayes is an active "mover and shaker"  who seeks to create and inspire through the Love Yourz brand. An entrepreneur who has trudged through his own struggles, continues to embrace them and apply those lessons to his current space in life.  



Follow Us On The 'Gram - @Strongarm_Shaad



Who Inspires You?

If you would like to recommend an entrepreneur or brand maker that has a story to tell of their struggles to success and the hurdles they overcame please contact the email below with their contact information, brief bio of their brand/business, and why they should be featured next on the show!

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